One of the questions I get asked often is “How often do you check your blood sugar?” Along with that is “when do you check your blood sugar?” I’ve been diabetic for [...]
Low Carb Enchiladas Casserole Recipe I don’t know about you, but I LOVE LOVE Mexican food, however with diabetes all the tortillas add tons of carbs and my sugars skyrocket:( So, I’m [...]
Charred Brussel Sprouts Recipe – Healthy Brussel Sprouts Recipe for Diabetes Oh brussel sprouts, how I never thought I’d like you!! Like, at all:) But, then one night I was out at a [...]
My Review of Avocado Oil – Is Avocado Oil Good For Diabetes? I know that the talk on healthy fats is super popular. Everyone is always talking about using Olive oil or EVOO (extra virgin [...]
Green Chile Turkey Burgers Recipe – Healthy Turkey Burger Recipe I don’t know about you, but at our house ground turkey is a staple. We always have it frozen in the freezer along [...]
Low Carb Lasagna Recipe – Zucchini Lasagna Recipe – Diabetic Lasagna This is a great low carb lasagna recipe – zucchini lasagna recipe to be exact. It uses zucchini sliced thin [...]
Healthy Turkey Chili Recipe When I think of chili, I think of my mom’s chili with ground beef and to be honest, it’s a bit greasy and heavy, right!? Well this is not my Mom’s [...]
Slow Cooker Chicken for Diabetics – Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken OMG, this Slow Cooker Chicken Recipe for Diabetics – Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken is one of my family’s fave recipes!! [...]
Sweet Potatoes for Diabetics I don’t know about you, but I sure do love sweet potatoes and yams, the problem is every time I eat them, my sugars sky rocket. I was looking for an [...]
My Review of Olive Oil Sprayer This started because I was looking for a way to use a little less oil. I looked around and found this olive oil sprayer, it’s a cooking spray bottle [...]