Charred Brussel Sprouts Recipe – Healthy Brussel Sprouts Recipe for Diabetes
Charred brussel sprouts are my absolute fave right now:) This is a super simple charred brussel sprouts recipe, the perfect healthy brussel sprouts recipe for diabetes. Included are extra flavors you could add:)
Servings Prep Time
4servings 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4servings 5minutes
Cook Time
  • 2Tbs avocado oil
  • 1lb brussel sproutsslice in half or if small, just cut off the stem. You want them to be as evenly sized as possible
  • 11/4 tsptruffle oil sea salt
  • 2Tbs lemon juiceYou can substitute any vinegar or other citrus
  1. Chop your brussel sprouts in evenly sized pieces. I usually chop the ends off and then in half. Then if I have some smaller ones, I just chop off their ends and leave them whole.
  2. Heat your cast iron skillet. Add 2 Tbs oil.
  3. Once hot add (bacon if you using), cook to half done. Add brussel sprouts face down. Cook 3 minutes. Check the sprouts, you want a char. If not charred, don’t move them around.
  4. Once charred on one side, stir them around. Add another 1 Tbs of oil if necessary.
  5. Once moved around the pan, add seasonings. Cook 3-4 minutes.
  6. Once charred on both sides, move to the oven under the broiler on high. Watch them carefully this only takes 1-2 minutes!!
  7. Once they look as charred as you want them, take out of the oven and add your lemon juice (or other acid), stir and enjoy!!